President’s Message – July 2024

President’s Message – July 2024

Dear Member’s of the Mount Sinai-Miller Place Chamber of Commerce: Thank you once again for your continued partnership and dedication to our chamber. Together, we can achieve great things and contribute to the prosperity of our communities. The Board of Directors hope...
President’s Message – July 2024

President’s message – May 2024

Dear Member’s of the Mount Sinai-Miller Place Chamber of Commerce: Our May 9th networking meeting at Alexandros Restaurant, was really good! The board of directors would like to thank everyone from Alexandros for giving us an event that I consider nothing short of...
President’s Message – July 2024

April 2024 Message from the President

Dear Valued Members of the Mount Sinai-Miller Place Chamber of Commerce: Spring has arrived and it’s time for all of us to get together again. Come join us on Thursday May 9th at Alexandros Restaurant located at 1060 Route 25A in Mount Sinai from 6:30 – 8:30pm. Theme...
President’s Message – July 2024

President’s Letter February 2024

The chamber has had its first general member meeting this month at C.P. LaManno’s Pizzeria. We would like to thank them again for hosting our meeting. It was good to see more members attend and participate in sharing ideas and networking with one another. The speakers...