The chamber has had its first general member meeting this month at C.P. LaManno’s Pizzeria. We would like to thank them again for hosting our meeting. It was good to see more members attend and participate in sharing ideas and networking with one another. The speakers we had did an outstanding job promoting not only the importance of staying healthy through fitness & diet but how their organizations can help those who need their services.

We also had one of our existing members step up and offer to help us by writing & contacting corporate sponsors to see if grants may be available for us. This will allow us to offer more towards beautifying our community and restarting our scholarship awards program once again.  This member will also be introducing the Board of Directors to several charitable organizations on Long Island that we can partner with so our Chamber along with all its members can participate giving & donating goods & services throughout the year and provide many of our Long Island residents a helping hand.  Once this happens, please consider having a drop box put in your place of business. This can lead to more potential customers/clients coming into your place of business and the recognition that comes from doing this type of community service. Based on all of this, I would say this meeting was very successful.

Anyone interested in hosting our next meeting please contact us. As you know, we like to have themes for our meetings, so please share any ideas with us as to what would be of interest.

A reminder to all, that our mission statement in part states “We seek to connect our residents to local commerce through membership, networking and community events.” And your board and a handful of members have been doing just that over the past year and would love nothing more than to continue doing so. However, it’s very difficult if we do not hear from all our existing members on a consistent basis. Those members who participated in functions we offer, community events we did are the only ones who are benefiting. Make 2024 the year you too will join us and benefit from your membership.

Happy Valentine’s Day. Remember we are doing everything we can to help our members & our communities!

Sincerely Your President
Holly Bottiglieri