May is absolutely my favorite month of the year. Mother Nature has endowed us with all the beautiful greenery and flowers in every color of the rainbow to enjoy. Mother’s Day is my favorite holiday and I love sharing it with all the wonderful women in my life. The community is bustling with much activity in the neighborhoods and at the parks, home improvements are keeping workers busy and beautiful weather is here to be outside.

Our new website is shaping up to be amazing and we look forward to your feedback on our enhancements. As a reminder to all our members, please submit your brief biographies about you and your business. This is member advertising that helps promote you to our community.

We have launched our MSMPCA Loyalty Discount Card program that will drive business directly to YOU. Please submit your initial promotion that you wish to offer to our community. This will keep the business HERE in our neighborhood and keep the commerce local. Discount cards are on sale online through our website for $10.00. They also can be purchased in person at our live chamber meetings. Check the website regularly for additions and updates to the promotions.

This month’s live chamber meeting will be on Wednesday, May 19, 2021 from 6—8 pm at Amici ‘s Restaurant in Mt. Sinai. Admission to the meeting is $10.00. We will be continuing our discussion regarding our new website and how to best utilize the Loyalty Discount Card program.

Monthly, we will be spotlighting our members on a rotating basis. Back with our live meeting is our ever-popular 50/50 raffle to round out our evening. We are looking forward to seeing everyone that evening as it is sure to be an amazing event.

Our Chamber Member Spotlight benefits the spotlighted member as follows:

  • Free entry to the meeting
  • Free 50/50 raffle ticket
  • 5 minutes to speak and promote your business
  • Distribution of any promotional items to attendees

Belonging to a Chamber is more important now than ever. Please keep your membership current to take advantage of the all the new benefits we have to offer. Ask a fellow businessperson to join and be part of our Chamber Family. We are offering incentives to bring in new members this year! Spread the word…with your help we can do more!

Holly Bottiglieri,
President, Mount Sinai – Miller Place Chamber Alliance