Happy Summer! This year it is wonderful that people are congregating again, making plans to do things and most of all being outside!

Our MSMPCA Loyalty Discount Card program has been catching on and we look forward for all of our business members to post advertising that will drive business directly back to you. Please let your customers know that you are part of this program by prominently displaying our chamber sign that lets your customers know that it is accepted at your place of business.  Please contact us and we will drop one off.   Discount cards are on sale online through our website for $10.00.  We are also selling quantities of 10 – and get one free!  Use them as promos for customers.  They will thank you with the repeat business you get by them coming back when they use the card.  The cards can also be purchased in person at our live chamber meetings. Check the website regularly for additions and updates to the promotions. Setting up your Member Dashboard in order to place your ad, is quick and easy. If you need assistance with setting up your information, please email us at msmpchamber@gmail.com and someone will contact you to get you onboard!

On Wednesday June 16, 2021, we hosted our annual Chamber Scholarship Event at The Hamlet at Willow Creek in Mt. Sinai.  Many thanks to Willow Creek for hosting our event with their spectacular views of the golf course and their delicious food! The winner from Mt. Sinai High School was Savinch Noori and the winner from Miller Place High School was Hailey Koppelman. Each of our recipients were presented with a $500.00 scholarship.  We had many amazing applicants.  These winners are extremely well rounded and besides excelling in their grades, they are involved in sports, charitable endeavors and overcoming personal obstacles. Brookhaven Town Councilwoman Jane Bonner and Suffolk County Legislator Sarah Anker helped us to honor our two outstanding 2021 recipients. Both of our scholarship winners will be attending Northeastern University this fall. Congratulations to you both!

The Chamber will be taking July off from a monthly event.  Please check back on the website for information on our August 18th monthly meeting.  In the meantime, have a safe and enjoyable summer!

Holly Bottiglieri,
Mount Sinai – Miller Place Chamber Alliance