Suffolk County Police Dept. Letter to 4th Precinct Neighbors
4th Precinct Neighbors:
On behalf of the Suffolk County Police Department and the 4th Precinct police officers, detectives, civilian employees and police supervisors we want to thank you for your cooperation and support during this challenging time. We would also like to thank all of you who, along with us, are providing essential services to the communities we serve.
Like you, the SCPD has modified our daily routine to better protect you, our personnel and our families. We are responding to emergency calls but we have also expanded the types of non-emergency calls you can report by phone or online. On calls, depending on the circumstances, you may see our officers in masks, goggles and gloves or be asked to step outside to be interviewed. We are routinely conducting checks on closed businesses that may be vulnerable during this time.
We do ask that you cooperate with any and all recommendations, restrictions and guidance set forth by New York State and Suffolk County. For those that must travel we also ask that you adhere to posted speed limits. We have seen an increase speed with the decrease in traffic.
I am providing information links to keep you informed. We are all aware that social media while helpful at times, can often relay inaccurate, unverified information. We ask that you get your information from verified government sites.—headquarters/
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Again, we appreciate your support and cooperation. With your cooperation and adherence to current guidance we will get through this together as a community.