Dear Chamber Members,
You are invited to a unique program to help businesses survive and thrive in response to this never-ending pandemic. It’s called the Pandemic Shift Workshop, and I highly recommend you consider it.
Two of these workshops starting soon. Each is four 90-minute Zoom sessions once a week on the same day/time.
- One starts Wednesday Feb 24 from 10-11:30 AM,
- and the next Tuesday March 16, also 10-11:30.
The program is offered through Stony Brook U, and with the generosity of Bank of America, it is entirely FREE for YOU. The people who run the program are a small company called Shift Group which collectively has almost 100 years experience working with entrepreneurs and small business. People love the program (4.8/5 ratings); the tools and handouts (same); and the chance for team problem-solving with other business owners (4.7/5).
Below is a flyer, a sample of some of the tools they use to get you organized; the application link; testimonials; and a bunch of media stories. Please consider joining them. It will be worth your while.
- Sample flyer— 1 page (attached)
- Sample slides / tools— 1 page (attached)
- Sign up page— has details and sign up as well
- Testimonials—— 2-3 minute videos from several former participants
- Media—— has summaries to about 35 recent articles, radio and TV, mostly on Long Island